Acupuncture Orthopedics applies classical Traditional Chinese Medicine, Trigger Point Therapy combined with Tui Na (Therapeutic Sports Massage Therapy) to treat neuromusculoskeletal disorders, Sports injuries, and for Pain Management.
Acupuncture Orthopedics
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy reinforces healthy and natural movements by reducing stress, pain, and muscle tension. By improving your flexibility and range of motion, massage therapy lessens the risk of future injuries. More benefits of massage therapy includes relaxation, deeper and easier breathing, improved posture and circulation, and lower blood pressure, overall ensuring a healthier lifestyle.
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a specialized type of physical therapy that reduces pain and improves function by treating soft tissues and joint structures, relieving soft tissue inflammation, and encouraging relaxation. Massage therapists use specific hands-on techniques to manipulate, mobilize, and massage your muscles in order to restore muscle imbalances. If you’re suffering from back pain, you may consider manual therapy to alleviate muscle tension and joint problems.
Diagnosis in terms of Western Medicine and Eastern Medicine includes complete physical and neurological examination. Requests for X-rays, MRI, CT scan and any necessary tests to complete diagnosis.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release therapists treat skeletal muscle immobility, pain, and restore body movement by improving the blood and lymphatic circulation through hands-on techniques. Fascia is a connective tissue, which supports and protects many structure of the human body, including muscle. Because this tissue may become restrictive to due to overuse or inactivity, Myofascial Release applies gentle pressure directly into the Myofascial connective tissue, loosening tension and relieving pain.
Moving Cupping
Moving Cupping therapy is an ancient form of physical treatment that involves positioning cups on the skin to create suction and moving them on the muscles by using special technic to relax muscles, increase blood flow and opening the skin pores to release build up toxins in the muscles.
Herbal Therapy
Herbal therapy is one of the earliest and most natural forms of medicinal treatment. In fact, herbal therapy has been used to treat different illnesses by many cultures throughout the world since ancient times. By applying plants and plant extracts to the skin, herbal therapy also maintains and improves overall health.